Monday, July 14, 2008

Julia Boutros - Why?
جوليا بطرس - على شو
Ala Shou?

Julia Boutros - Why?

Why do you still love him?
Why Why?
Why are you walking on his path
Why, why?

Because of his looks? Or his charm? Or his thoughts? Or his mind?
Or perhaps because of the kindness of his heart?
Why, Why?
He doesn't see anyone in front of him and he has no concerns
Perhaps lost in his beauty or self-deluded
He forgets those who were before him
As if nobody could take his place
And he thinks he's ahead of his time
I'm asking you, why?
He spreads his ideas all over and the ideas are just madness
Everyone follow his news wherever he is
He doesn't think of anyone but himself
He does whatever he wants
And it doesn't concern him what they all say
What's your opinion, what?

جوليا بطرس - على شو

على شو بعدك بتحبه
على شو على شو
على شو ماشي على دربه
على شو على شو
على شكله على سحره على فكره على عقله
أو يمكن على رقة قلبه على شو على شو
مش شايف حدى قباله ولا ولا عنده هموم
ضايع يمكن بجماله وبحاله موهوم
ناسي يللي قبله كانوا ما حدى بياخد مكانه
ومفكر سابق زمانه دخلك على شو؟
عم بيوزع أفكاره والأفكار جنون
و الناس بتلحق أخباره مطرح ما بيكون
ما بيفكر إلا بحاله وبيعمل يللي على باله
ما بيهمه شو ما قالوا شو رأيك شو؟


Anonymous said...

3ala shu b3adak bit7ibo?
3ala shu? 3ala shu?
3ala shu mashi 3ala darbo?
3ala shu? 3ala shu?

3ala shaklo? 3ala sa7ro? 3ala fikro? 3ala 3a2lo?
Aw yimkin 3ala ri2i 2albo 3ala shu 3ala shu? x2

Mish shayif 7ada 2abalo wala wala 3ando hmom
Dhay3a yimkin bijamalo w bi7alo mawhom x2

Nasi yalli 2ablo kano, ma 7ada byakhod makano x2
W mfakir sabi2 zamano, dakhlak 3ala shu?

3ala shu b3adak bit7ibo?
3ala shu? 3ala shu?
3ala shu mashi 3ala darbo?
3ala shu? 3ala shu?

3am biwaz3a afkaro, w il afkar jinoon
W il nas bitil7a2 akhbaro, w ma6ara7 ma beykoon

Ma beyfakir ila b7alo, w bey3amil yalli 3ala balo x2
Ma beyhimmo shu ma 2alo, shu rayak, shu?

3ala shu b3adak bit7ibo?
3ala shu? 3ala shu?
3ala shu mashi 3ala darbo?
3ala shu? 3ala shu? x2

3ala shaklo? 3ala sa7ro? 3ala fikro? 3ala 3a2lo?
Aw yimkin 3ala ri2i 2albo 3ala shu 3ala shu? x2

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lyrics.